Santos Almir – Chef Profile
How long have you been at Jamie Oliver HQ?
7 years at HQ, but I’ve been working with Jamie since 2002!
Which was the first restaurant you worked in?
The River Cafe. I was there for 10 years and worked with Jamie for the last two years.
What was the last London restaurant you went to?
Jamie Oliver, Catherine Street.
What or who has been the biggest influence on the way you cook and why?
My mum, she taught me a lot: how to combine ingredients to create beautiful flavours.
What is your personal signature dish?
Meats, always meats! Barbecue especially.
What’s the best part of your job? .
Satisfying people. When I see people happy, it makes me happy.
And the worst?
I cannot say anything bad. I’ve been here all these years because I love it!
What would your last meal be?
Feijoada – a Brazilian bean stew. I love it so much! Me and my boy both love it.